Bobby's Gin

Bobby’s Gin is a refined expression of Dutch Courage fuelled with Indonesian spirit. A fresh and spice-forward combination of ‘Schiedam’ gin botanicals like juniper, fennel seeds, coriander, and rose hips, and traditional Indonesian spices from grandfather Jacobus ‘Bobby’ Alfons’ Pinang Raci recipe, like lemongrass, cloves, cinnamon, and cubeb peppers.
  • Name: Bobby's Gin
  • Category: Gin
  • Origin: Schiedam, the Netherlands
  • Perfect Serve: Gin Tonic

Bobby’s Dry Gin Assortment:

Bobby's Schiedam Dry Gin

A fresh and spice-forward combination of ‘Schiedam’ gin botanicals like juniper, fennel seeds, coriander, rose hips, and traditional Indonesian spices as lemon grass, cloves, cinnamon, and cubeb peppers.


Bobby's Jenever

Bobby’s Jenever is an adventurous blend of Indonesian spices, juniper, and traditional malt spirit.


Bobby's Pinang Raci Spice Blend No1

Pinang Raci Spice Blend No.1 celebrates the flavours of grandfather Bobby’s birthplace Naku on Moluccan ‘spice island’ Ambon, in a contemporary Schiedam Dry Gin of 2022.



Bobby's Pinang Raci Spice Blend No1

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